Sunday 10 November 2013

Busy Sunday

 Today was a very busy Sunday for me, as I was filming my Autumn/Winter LookBook for my YouTube channel, which should hopefully go up sometime next week. I was also visiting my grate aunt. As I had my camera with me the whole day I thought it would be a good idea to take some photos, as some of the areas I filmed were so pretty I just had to share it with you.



We went into the woods to film and I just couldn't get over how pretty and autumnal everything looked.

 The sun was shining through the trees, leaves were falling to the floor and it was a lovely, sunny, crisp morning. 

We then went to my great aunts house to have some tea and also film a bit of my LookBook video there as there is a really pretty mill opposite where she lives.

You wouldn't think she was 93, would you?

Overall it has been a very busy but productive day and one I thought I would share with you. I hope you enjoyed this blog as it's slightly different to my other ones, but for now that is all. Hope you all have an amazing week.

Rebecca Russell

Friday 8 November 2013


I started this blog after I finished my GCSE’s as I had about 2 months until my sisters finished school. I didn’t want to spend that 2 months being inside doing the same things everyday, espessially after been stuck inside staring at revision books (and my bedroom wall) for god knows how long. I knew as my GCSE’s were nearly finishing I wanted to try something new and slightly out of my comfort zone and I thought starting a blog will fit that part perfectly as it’s not something I would originally think to do, so that’s what I did.

However, for a while now I haven't posted anything on my blog and I absolutely hate that as blogging is something I love doing. So that is going to change. There have been a few changes which I would like to let you know about.

Firstly, one reason I haven't posted on this blog in ages is because I have set up a YouTube channel, and I wanted to work hard on setting that up, which did result in me not blogging (which it shouldn't have done). I have always had an interest in photo's and videos, partly due to my dad being in the media industry so I thought why not do it? if you can do it why not? Now I have been on there for a little bit and have got the general idea of what to do on YouTube and understand the basics of it , it's time to bring blogging and making videos together.

Smile (:

Secondly, my dad has brought a new camera (Above) which he can use for his work but has very kindly allowed me to us it for blog photo's and filming videos. So, the quality on my blog and YouTube channel should be better.      

And finally, I have just recently started college which has been a new experience for me and one that I have found quite daunting. I have had to leave friends who I have been friends with for 12 years to make new friends, I'm quite a shy person so find it quite hard. It is also a completely new experience and learning completely new things so just wanted to find my feet . I also wasn't expecting so much work, so having to complete it all within the time limit I'm finding quite tricky. College has been a new experience and something that has taken me to quiet a while to adjust to, as I’m having to balance college work, family, friends, my YouTube channel and my blog. I am now starting to come to terms with it and I’m starting to get a routine in my head which allows me to do all of that,  so just bare with me.

I apologise for not posting in ages but I just wanted to explain myself so you know the situation and that I’m still here. Just so you know I love writing this blog and I hope you enjoy reading it.

Click here to vist my YouTube channel

Rebecca Russell

Sunday 28 July 2013

Review on the Kate Moss lipsticks

If you ask anyone I know they will tell you that my favourite makeup product is lipstick. I just love adding that extra colour to my lips, and to me it finishes my makeup look off. So I really wanted to find a good high street brand that do good lipstick for an affordable price, and I found it... Rimmel London, Kate Moss Lipstick Range.

One thing that I love about them is their colour range, they have pinks from fluorescent pink to a subtle pink, Reds, pinky-reds and a few nudes.

I personally think nude doesn't suit me as I have quiet dark hair and feel it washes me out a bit so I go for colour rather than nude. However, if you are one to go to nude I would recommend you go for the lasting finish Kate Moss lipsticks (The black packaging ones) as there are more off choice as in the matte Kate Moss lipstick range (the red ones) there is only one, 113.

This is quiet a light colour, and if you are a bit scared of applying lipstick then I think this is really good choice as it adds colour to your lips but you can build it up if you want to. I also found it quiet easy to work with. I would recommend this if you are starting out your makeup kit and looking for a good lipstick which is affordable.

This colour lipstick is amazing, if you are new to lipstick I would say not to go for this colour yet as it is such a bold colour. It will look amazing on a night out or just a family party as I think this is a very sophisticated colour. This colour will look amazing throughout autumn/winter/christmas time as I think it is quiet a festive colour.

This is my favourite colour as it looks quiet red but when applied to the lips its a pinky-red kind of colour, it looks SO amazing. This can be worn to work, at home, a party or a family party. You can get so much wear out of this lipstick which is another reason why I love it.

 This is a vibrant cherry red, I would say this is lipstick will make anybody look at your lips as it is quiet bright so if you're not a fan off bright lipsticks then this one is not for you. I think this colour is quiet summery. 

To sum up...

Drying? - I personally think the matte Lipstick range is slightly drying but if you take good care of your lips (use a lip balm) then they should be alright, or even if you put a bit of lip balm on before you put the lipstick on or on top of the lipstick. It shouldn't put you off buying it though. The Lasting Finish range is more hydrating.

Price - Incredible, £5.49 from boots. The colour range is really good, the actual Product its self is amazing, would recommend this lipstick if you're starting your makeup kit especially 05.

How Long it lasts -  I found the matte lipsticks didn't last as long as the Lasting Finish Range. The Lasting finish range claims to last eight hours but I always find I need to top them up every 3 hours. While the matte last for round two hours before they need a bit of a top up. Obviously those times will change depending on what you are doing.

Texture - I love this texture of lipstick, it feels creamy when applying, obviously the matte is less creamy to give it that matte affect.

Packaging -  Simple, but I like it. I especially like the lid as it has the Rimmel crown indented on it.

Pigmentation - Amazing and it lasts for a long time which I think is amazing for a High Street lipstick.

Taste - The lasting finish range has more of a taste to it, which I found very pleasant.

- Click here for the Matte Lipstick range
- And click here for the Lasting Finish Lipstick range

Wednesday 10 July 2013

Review on soap & glory

As summer is approaching and many of you are going on holiday, I thought I would do a review on the soap and glory scrub 'em and leave 'em and the righteous butter as both these items can be brought in travel size and would be perfect to bring on holiday. I'm also going to do a review on the hand food, the one I'm reviewing isn't travel size, but they do do it in travel size if you're interested for £2.50.

 Scrub 'em and leave 'em body buff - £2.50

This body scrub smells amazing, not to sweets, it left my legs feeling moisturised but didn't leave my legs feeling greasy, which is always a good thing.

To be honest there was nothing that made this body scrub and different from the rest, it moisturised and left my legs feeling better than they did before. For me it just didn't have the wow factor, this may be because of my skin but I will definitely be on the look out for other body scrubs. If any off you have/know off a good body scrub comment below and I will give it a try.

If you do want to give it a try I would recommend buying it with the righteous butter as I found that was when I got the best results.

Hand Food - £5.00

During the winter my hands can get really dry and painful so I use a thick Nivea cream, but during the summer my hands don't need such a thick cream so thought I would keep the Nivea cream for winter and find another hand cream to use during the summer. This cream is perfect for that as its not so thick but still hydrates them. If your hands are like mine I would recommend his cream as it keeps them hydrated but without using such a thick cream.

This is honestly one of the best hand creams I have ever used, It smells amazing, Hydrates my hands and the next day they feel SO soft! I put this cream on my hands before I go to bed as I'm not touching stuff (laptop, phone etc.) and I'm not washing my hands, so it's just left to sink in.

On the packaging it says 'non-greasy hydration' and I would totally agree with that as you can put it on and then get back to what you were doing previously without thinking you need to wait for the cream to dry. 

The Righteous Butter - £2.50

This has to be one of my favourite smells as it reminds me off my childhood for some reason. You are supposed to use it after your bath but I also use it sometimes before I go to bed as it doesn't take long to dry, which is what I like in a moisturiser. It leaves my skin feeling refreshed and hydrated! I would totally recommend this, as when you are on holiday you are in the sun all day which can make your skin dry so giving it that extra hydration will make your skin look amazing for the rest of your holiday and not looking like leather.

As I said before the smell is one of my favourite smells and it really calms me down for some reason and makes me feel happy, so thats another reason I love to put this on before I go to bed, as who doesn't like going to sleep feeling happy?

This body butter works so well after using the scrub 'em and leave 'em they complement each other perfectly, and would recommend you use them together.

I would totally recommend you buy this for your holiday as it's not expensive and it leaves your skin feeling amazingly hydrated and smooth.

I personally think that the Soap & Glory products make a perfect gift idea, they're not to expensive and they are at a good quality. 

All the Soap & Glory travel items are £2.50 so here is a link to their website: